Runnable TODO

Runnable is one the most basic type of Halla programs. In order to create this type of program, simply define that accepts a list of Strings (which represents the arguments the program accepts) and returns a Cmd which the halla runtime will send.

type Runnable = List String -> Cmd a

Using a Runnable, everyone's favorite program "HelloWorld" would look like this:

helloworld : List String -> Cmd msg
helloworld args =
    Cmd.print "Hello world!"

Actor TODO

If you need a program that not only capable of sending Cmds, but also receiving and acting upon external data, then you need a Actor.

type Actor msg =
    { init : List String -> Cmd msg
    , publish : msg -> Cmd msgs
    , subscribe : Sub msg

Actors are based on the Actor model. Using an Actor is a great way to build a simple application. If your use case is more complex, you can build your application as a series of multiple Actors that work together to solve your problems. Halla makes connecting these Actors together incredibly easy.